Sunday, 22 January 2017

Life Carries On

January 2017 

Its been 6 months since my last post. A lot has happened in my life that means my sisters hoarding has taken a step back. I’ve not been round, except a couple of visits standing by the front door. I can see the newspapers and leaflets built up behind the door and trailing into the hall and lounge. Through the lounge door I can see the space around the drawers that we worked so hard to clear is now full of ‘stuff’ again. The floor covered in its usual carpet of rubbish. I know nothing has changed and that I will get that call again from Children’s Services in the near future, probably sometime later this year. But I’m done. I’m not going to clean and tidy any more at that house. I have other things to think about and to focus on.

I have a brand new sister that has appeared from nowhere – see

And also, during an amazing trip to Iceland with my boyfriend for my 40th Birthday, we got engaged – see

Both are in the early stages of my stories, so check back regularly for updates.