Wednesday, 29 June 2016

A Day of Moaning

Day 32 Saturday

I decide to take the opportunity to get my own house in order today. I'm not going to my sister's and she's not asked me to help so she can just get on with herself

I still feel cross about the situation and looking at my spare room where the girls are currently sleeping I start moaning at them about how messy they are and how they need to look after their stuff. The older one hangs her head as my frustration shows through and I feel a little guilty, but at 10 years old she should be able to put things in the bin and laundry bag rather than leaving things on the floor or where ever she can be bothered.

They are both keen to return home, they're sick of me moaning and nagging them the whole time. The reality is they are now used to living this way, leaving things wherever they want because my sister has no control at all and let's them do whatever they want

I want my house back and life back to normality, but I'm still so torn about the life they are going back to.

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