Monday, 6 June 2016

It's all about the money...

Day 26 Sunday

Only a couple of hours at the house today. I was a bit worried about the Guinea pigs, but they seemed to have survived ok.

The sister came home with the oldest niece while we were there, still working on the lounge. She tried to conceal her look of horror as she walked in, but it was there none the less, dispite the effort we had put in go clear as much as of the lounge as possible. I could tell her anxiety levels were high & she was already beginning to wonder what stuff we had thrown out.

The youngest niece took them out to the garden to see the new hutch and the oldest niece was thrilled and amazed at the size. My sisters first comment was: where's the cover for it?

I don't know why I thought we might get a thank you. She really is isn't appreciative of anything we do or are doing it.

As I make her help me sort through a pile by the door she sees a Christmas decoration in the bin bag that I'd thrown away before she got home. She pulls it out and starts shaking in as if the straw, hair & general gunk is just going to fall off. It doesn't. But undeterred she's adamant she can clean it off. I'm constantly amazed that for someone who hates cleaning and doesn't do at all, she's obsessed that she will clean everything rather than through it away.

The youngest niece found a 10p coin earlier and she spent 20 minutes constantly harassing my sister to go to the shop and buy her something. She was like the devil child, I'd never seen her like that I actually felt sorry for my sister as she squirmed & tried to put her off. Her feeble attempts frustrate me and I snap at the niece telling her firmly to leave her mum alone. It was a glimpse into their life & need to buy things.

The sun has come out and I want to go home & sit in the garden enjoying the rest of my Sunday. The girls bring a few toys back with them including a loom band kit and we spend the afternoon making bracelets (it was a new experience for me having a teenage son who had no interest them!)

Throughout the evening my sister sent a barrage of text messages asking me where things were, occasionally confirming she'd found the item she'd asked about. I ignored them all regardless.

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