Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Time to reflect with a glass of wine

Day 17 - Friday

When my sister comes to pick the girls up for school, I as her whether she sent the photos as discussed. She's taken the photos, she tells me, but has not emailed them yet. I tell her to do so asap so we can try and make arrangements for the weekend.

Ahead of the bank holiday weekend I booked today off. Originally I had thought G and I would take a day trip to France or somewhere. Something we used to do quite a bit.  But with migrant problems in Calais & fuel strikes across the area, we never got round to booking anything. I was determined however not to spend the day at my sisters.

So I arranged to meet up with my oldest friend for lunch. Before we leave I text my sister to see if she's sent the email yet. No she hasn't, wifi at work is not very good so the email wont send. I can do no more if she wont help herself.

It was lovely to head out to a country pub for some lovely food and a little glass of wine...or three! I told her about events from the last couple of weeks and she listened patiently before telling me that I shouldn't have to deal with all this myself and that Children's services should be doing more to help my sister and put the appropriate support services in place,

She can't understand why I'm not pushing the Social Worker to gain funding for the particular organisation I had suggested 2 years ago during last Child Protection process. I should insist that they do more to help so i can take a step back, she tells me.

I struggle with this. I don't feel angry with the SW, its not her fault we're in this situation. It's my sister I'm cross with, my sister that has caused this situation and my sister who has done nothing to rectify the situation.

Coincidently the SW calls me and as I'm sitting in a pub and having polished off 2 glasses of wine at this point, I didn't much feel like talking. So when she asks if everything is ok, I simply say "Yes, everything is working out ok"
My friend points out that this will now be documented in the notes and as far as they are concerned 'everything is fine'.

Everything is definitely not fine! I'm exhausted. I'm not used to be woken in the early hours by 2 small children chatting, arguing and thumping about the place. It drives me mad that my sister is hanging around my home when I get in from work and that I'm spending a ridiculous amount of time clearing and cleaning someone else's house. Its too much.

I resolve to contact the SW back during the week to see if there's an update on the funding and support.

It's lovely catching up with my friend and we manage to talk about other things - I realise its not all about me!

My sister finally sends a text confirming the email has been sent and they quote £130. I agree to pay and make arrangements for them to come. Unfortunately they cant come on Saturday as it's too late in the day now, but they can come in the afternoon on Monday. I'm cross that my sister has caused delays because she's not taking this whole business seriously, however it means we have an extra couple of days to get a bit more rubbish out and away.

Friday night and another glass of wine is in order!

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